Akoya pearl products are also available on Etsy.com. Please visit there as well.


Today, I went to see the fireworks. In Kobe City, fireworks are launched every summer on an irregular basis, on Saturdays at 7 PM for just five minutes.

Since it’s irregular, it’s unclear which Saturday they will be held. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I could see the fireworks from my home balcony, but since last year, it seems the launch site has changed, and I can no longer view them from there.

However, every time fireworks were launched, I could hear the sounds. This continued for two years. I couldn’t resist the urge to see the fireworks in person any longer.

I researched online to find out when the fireworks would take place.

It may not seem like much when put into words.

I simply went to see the fireworks. But the fireworks, over those two years, had seduced me with their sound, compelling me to physically move and see them.

Listening to the sound of fireworks for two years, knowing they were just out of sight, was truly frustrating. Today, all that stress disappeared, and I was able to fully enjoy the fireworks.

By the way, in Japanese, “fireworks” combines the words for “flower” (花)”Hana” and “fire” (火)”Hi”. It’s like a “flower of fire.” I really love this nuance. In English, “fireworks” feels more technical and has a craftsmanship vibe, which I find quite refined.



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