My refund and return policy is valid for 30 days. If 30 days have passed since your purchase, please feel free to contact me. I will do my best to not disappoint you.
It is difficult to judge the quality of pearls on a computer or smartphone monitor. Therefore, there is a certain risk for consumers when purchasing pearls online. In the past, I have experimentally purchased “high quality pearl” products on TV, the Internet, and the radio. However, most low-priced pearl products were of low quality, and I have reaffirmed that there is something behind products with flashy slogans.
In that sense, I understand those risks. Personally, I do not want to disappoint buyers. Refunds and returns will be handled as gentlemanly and fairly as possible. I want everyone to be happy through Akoya pearls, for the sake of the people who work at Akoya pearl farms.
The products in this shop are basically one-of-a-kind. Therefore, if you exchange them, they will not be exchanged for exactly the same product, but rather for a product with a similar pearl. Unlike industrial pearls, there are no two exactly the same pearls. However, we promise to exchange them for products of the same quality as much as possible.
To return an item, please mail it to me.
You will be responsible for the shipping costs when returning the item.
The reason for this is that cash on delivery from overseas is probably a hassle for you. If you do not want to pay the shipping costs, please let me know. I will choose a method that satisfies you as much as possible after consulting with you.
Depending on where you live, the time it takes for the replacement item to reach you may vary.
If you are returning an expensive item, please consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance.
Please contact us with any questions regarding refunds or returns. I try not to disappoint my customers. If I can’t help it, share your disappointment with me and let’s share the disappointment in half.
Basically, I do not run this store with a profit-oriented approach. My only collaborators are my mother and my pet Lulu. For their sakes, I cannot cause trouble to customers. I regret any dissatisfaction with pearls and requests for returns. However, on the other hand, they are valuable experiences for me to improve the future operation of this store. If you feel dissatisfied, please feel free to give me your feedback.