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Add order flow and privacy policy

Today I am preparing to open this shop. It’s a strange story to prepare for opening even though it’s open.

I don’t think there will be any orders for a while. However, just in case, I would like to make the site a place where customers can feel at ease. So, I’ve put together a privacy policy and order flow. I want to prevent people from thinking, “Is this shop really okay?”

See my customer reviews on Etsy.com for reference. Although the number is small, it is generally appreciated.

Recently, I’ve been spending time preparing this shop, so I haven’t been able to make products. This may be putting the cart before the horse, but I want to finish preparing the site as soon as possible and create new products.

I did some photo shoots for the site today. I also took a picture of this tissue case. These are handmade by my mother. I am presenting it to the customer who purchased my pearl. It used to be a wool sponge, but this is also handmade by my mother. My mother is over 70 years old and is in good health. She is good at sewing and cooking. She cooks daily, but she doesn’t do much sewing. She sometimes makes clothes in about two hours. From my point of view, I think she has great skills. I asked her to spend more time sewing. The result is a tissue case. My mother lives in the countryside. There are only two traffic lights in the village. The nearest convenience store takes about 20 minutes on foot. This feeling is in a distant category in Japan. Rice fields and mountains spread out as far as the eye can see, and about 60 houses are lined up in the neighborhood. My mother, who lives in such a rural area, doesn’t understand why the tissue cases she makes travel to different countries. However, she is shyly happy when she finds out that the tissue case she made is appreciated by customers. She says sewing doesn’t motivate you if you don’t have a clear purpose. This tissue case may be useful. I want her to do a lot of sewing while she is still healthy and use her mind and body to stay healthy.

As I explained in the order flow, as you can see in the picture, all of my items are for gifts. I am writing each letter in my poorly handwritten English. Every time from the second line, I think about what to write, but if I write the third line, I can write infinitely. The contents of the letter may be unrelated to pearls, but I would be happy to receive the letter. So I am writing a letter to my customer. I hope my customers are happy too.

After tomorrow, I would like to start writing something that will be a pearl education. Until now, every time I explained something to a customer, I took a quick memo with a pen and paper and showed it to the customer. On this site, I would like to organize them properly and convey them.

Today’s weather was rainy from the morning. The weather forecaster announced that it would be cold like mid-November. It seems to be a lie that it was a hot day until just the other day. But it’s supposed to get hot again next week. A hot day here is between 25 to 27 degree. By the way, there were many days when the temperature exceeded 35 degrees this summer. It seems to be getting hotter and hotter every year, but I think this is partly because the spread of air conditioning is increasing the temperature outside and partly because we are too accustomed to air conditioning.



I am part of a Japanese company with an Akoya pearl farm. Apart from the company, I personally run an Akoya pearl shop. I would appreciate it if I could share smiles with various people through pearls.

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    • Summera Qamar
    • 2023.04.29 5:10pm

    I’m learning about pearls. Your blogs are refreshing to read. You do have a very unique way of thinking, like pearls are like a partner. You like some perspective and don’t care so much for others. Please keep writing about pearls, especially their historical place in various countries.

    • Jem

      Thank you for reading my article. I hadn’t really thought of pearls as a partner, but now that you mention it, I can see how they might be seen in that way. As for “especially their historical place in various countries,” I’m not very familiar with other countries besides Japan, but I’ll consider writing about them in future articles. Your comments are very encouraging. Thank you.