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Interactions with Neighbors and Events of the Year-End Business Trip

Akoya pearls are harvested in December and January every year.

As many adductor muscles as Akoya pearls are harvested there.

Today was the end of my business trip to harvest pearls for the year, but the company gave me the adductor muscles at a low price. By the way, adductor muscles wholesale cost about $38 per kilo. I bought it from the company, but I’m going back to my hometown tomorrow, so I’m having trouble dealing with it. I can’t eat 1kg of it. Since it is raw, it must be consumed as soon as possible.

So, I gave adductor muscles as a gift to the person who lived next door to my company apartment. This is the house where the only person I have talked to lives near the apartment where I live on this business trip. About three years ago, I asked the wife of the house about the house of the president of the neighborhood association in this town. About three years ago, my company gave me this apartment as a place to live on business trips. Before that, I lived in an inn. I only had a brief conversation with my neighbor’s wife at that time, but she was so beautiful that I remembered it well.

She was very happy when I gave her a 1kg adductor muscles as a present.

Then, an hour later, the wife came to my room and gave me a thank-you gift.

Cake, coffee and chocolate. It was all I liked.

I spent Christmas alone on a business trip, but it was nice to be able to mingle with my neighbors like this.

Christmas is over and the end of the year is finally here. Happy new year to all of you.



I am part of a Japanese company with an Akoya pearl farm. Apart from the company, I personally run an Akoya pearl shop. I would appreciate it if I could share smiles with various people through pearls.

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