I did a job of drilling pearls. This time, I received a request to drill holes in 1,000 pearls. Due to a large amount of paperwork, I did this work at night. Last night, I drilled holes in 500 pearls, and tonight, I drilled holes in another 500 pearls.
A few years ago, drilling holes in 200 pearls per hour was the most I could do, but recently I’ve become more accustomed to it and can now drill holes in up to 500 pearls per hour. However, professional drilling services seem to be able to drill holes at 1.5 times my speed. It still seems difficult to switch careers to become a drilling specialist.
Although it’s difficult to understand because the entire machine hasn’t been fully captured, the chuck in the front and back that secures the pearl with the left foot operates, and the front and rear drills are moved with the handle operated by the right hand.
Drilled pearls become covered in powder, so they are put into a wooden tub and washed. Although it seems like the pearls could be damaged, they are actually quite durable.
After washing, the pearls are dried. It’s similar to using a washing machine, and the pearls dry in about one minute.
With this, I can ship these 1,000 pearls to the customer tomorrow. Although I have a lot of work, I want to finish it quickly and make a metallic pearl necklace.

I could make about 50 to 100 necklaces, but when I tried making them the other day, I could only make four necklaces in a full day. Depending on the situation, I may have to outsource to a necklace-making specialist, but I want to try making them myself as much as possible. I believe that I will be able to make them faster once I get used to the work.
I’ve been checking which countries are accessing this site on a daily basis. Although this site is somewhat like a personal diary, I still want as many people as possible to see it. Today’s access was significantly higher than usual, with the majority of it coming from Spain. I wonder what happened in Spain. Anyway, thank you to everyone in Spain who accessed the site. Gracias^^ノ
As a side note, tonight after finishing my job as a salaryman, I did the shipping work for the products I sold on Etsy. The most time-consuming part of the shipping process is writing letters. I have been writing letters to each and every customer because I can do it since there are not many customers. This is a joke, but I like receiving letters, so I try to write letters as much as possible. About 20 years ago, I wrote a letter to a friend. When my friend received my letter, he called me and said, “Is he planning to commit suicide? Who writes a letter in an age when e-mails are commonplace?” That’s how rare letters are. If that was the case 20 years ago, letters are even rarer around me now. Anyway, I wrote and sent the letters. After that, I went to work and drilled holes in pearls, and came back home at 11 p.m. When I opened my mailbox at home, I found a letter inside. It was a postcard with a simple message and a photo from a customer in Germany who purchased from my Etsy store. I was very moved by the surprise that came suddenly in my ordinary day, more than a birthday present. Letters are like treasures. I thought once again that I want to continue writing letters as much as possible in the future.

Receiving feedback from customers who have received the pearls I shipped is truly heartwarming. Many customers have even commented that the pearls are more beautiful than in the photos I took. While it’s a complicated feeling, hearing the joy in my customers’ voices is an incredibly rewarding experience that surpasses any happiness I feel as an office worker.