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From Farm To Beauty: Discovering The Magic Of Pearls With Sincerity

Today is December 17th. Finally I arrived at the pearl farm. It takes 5 hours from the town where I live to the island where this pearl farm is located by taking the Shinkansen and changing planes.

I left in the afternoon and arrived here in the evening. I would like to see pearls that have just been harvested right away, but that is not the case.

The president of the company I work for and the manager of the pearl farm will have a meeting tomorrow. I am the facilitator. They are very arguing over company policy. I can talk about anything, but I can’t write the inside story here.

Sandwiched between the two, I learned something new this time. Be sincere with people.

Even if we are low-intelligent, unpredictable, unwinnable, or plagued with inferiority complexes, it is very important to face them. No one stands by someone who looks away from problems and turns their backs on them. People don’t follow their titles.

These are obvious things, but I learned a lot from witnessing such distrustful actions and behaviors.

Not a little, I interact with various people through pearls every day. Once again, I wanted to try to be sincere with those people.

After the meeting is over, I can see the freshly harvested pearls. I want to enjoy it anyway.



I am part of a Japanese company with an Akoya pearl farm. Apart from the company, I personally run an Akoya pearl shop. I would appreciate it if I could share smiles with various people through pearls.

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