Reshooting and Reinventing: Reviving Sales and Embracing Floral Aesthetics
Over the last few days, I’ve been reshooting items for sale on There are two reasons. One is that the sales of the products are not very good. Another thing is that I started to decorate my room with flowers, so I wanted to shoot flowers and pearls together.

Challenges and Triumphs of a Pearl Seller on Etsy
I am a salaried employee of a pearl farming company, and I personally started selling pearls on about two and a half years ago. There were no sales at all for the first six months. I thought it wouldn’t sell either. Pearls are nice, but I thought I didn’t have the know-how to sell them. Six months later, I somehow decided to pay $30 a month for advertising on, and my sales started to increase. Over the past two years, sales have steadily increased. I’m basically a salaried worker, so I work during the day. Most of my customers on are American, so there is a time difference. Orders come in while I’m sleeping, and I have messages from customers. So I had to deal with it late at night or early in the morning. I couldn’t help but enjoy working on them. Sales were good, but just after I went on a pearl harvesting trip to a pearl farm at the end of last year, sales dropped.

In my opinion, this is due to the lack of new products and the lack of freshness in the product description articles on sale. It’s winter now, but some products have summer topics. I often write the diary at that time in the product description, so it may not have been good. About five years ago, I started to learn how to sell and learn about pearls. I will be patient with these issues. Even this site has not been updated as expected. However, recently, it seems that people from countries such as Iran and France, which had not been visited before, have come. “Of course, I don’t have any personal information or addresses of visitors to this site. Just a rough city.”

In the future, I hope that this website will also be able to introduce everyday life in Japan. I would like to continue introducing pearls.
Balancing Passion and Responsibilities: Pursuing Dreams Beyond Office Hours
Recently, I often think that the important thing for updating such a website is the rhythm of life and the environment. As soon as I get home from work as a salaried worker, I finish eating, cooking and doing laundry. Keep my room clean. Do not watch youtube, Twitter, Instagram for a long time.
By following them properly, I can create products, take photos, and update articles for the first time. I’m over 40 and life is both long and short. If I find what I want to do, I want to keep doing it whether it succeeds or fails. My job as an office worker is important, but other than that, I would like to continue these pearl missionary activities, band activities, motorcycles, and reading.

I want to improve my English, but I’ve been relying on Google Prodessor for a long time, so I can’t expect much.
As such, thank you for reading. It’s a miracle to me that you’ve come here in this age of information overload.

Always impressed by how hard you work and try out different things. In my humble opinion, a less colorful background allows the pearls to pop more easily. For example, a high quality Japanese saucer in light and elegant color, with your beautiful flowers aside. Or, maybe even a white acrylic board with the flowers and a tiny ceremic deco. The use of light is crucial, too. Best of luck with the sales!
Thank you for your warm comment to me. Recently, I started buying flowers, and it seems that I made flowers too appealing. I was wondering about this too. I respect your opinion and will try to improve in the future. Above all, I am very grateful for your comments. Thanks so much!