I started making strands as the number of pearls reached a certain amount.

These pearls are not round in shape, but their luster is of the highest quality. My personal philosophy when it comes to pearls is all about their luster. Pearls are gemstones, and I believe that their greatest allure lies in their radiance. The deeper the shine, the more captivating it becomes. While a young beauty may be lovely, an aged, captivating smile can bring decades of depth to that smile. Similarly, in pearls, the thicker the nacre, the more alluring the luster.

Of course, people have different preferences when it comes to pearls. As a pearl farmer, the effort to produce each individual pearl is the same, regardless of its quality. We also hope that every pearl is given the same care and affection, no matter its quality. We also understand that high-quality pearls are more expensive, while low-quality ones are more affordable.

While it may be difficult to tell from the photos, each pearl has unique characteristics such as color and thickness of the pearl layer. Some pearls have a strong red hue, while others have a strong silver hue. Some pearls have a thick layer that gives them a strong luster, while others have a thin layer that results in a somewhat weaker shine. Each pearl has its own distinct personality. select pearls with similar pearl layer thickness, similar shine, and similar color from among these pearls and string them together into a necklace. I enjoy this work. I become engrossed in it. If I had no interest in pearls, of course, I would not be able to do this work, nor would I do it. It is hard work, but if it is something I enjoy, it is not a burden.

These pearls are baroque in shape but have a considerably high quality luster. The price of pearls is largely determined by their shape. Round pearls are more expensive, while baroque pearls tend to be cheaper. As these pearls have a baroque shape, they are relatively inexpensive compared to round pearls, but their luster is of very high quality, so they can be classified as high-quality pearls. In addition, I believe that shape is irrelevant to the intrinsic value of pearls, and Japan’s representative pearl organizations have publicly expressed this opinion. Therefore, in terms of market evaluation, these pearls are cheap because they are baroque, but they are essentially high-quality pearls. Of course, personal preferences also play a role, so even if someone prefers round pearls over pearls with a strong luster, their preference should be respected. In my personal preference, I like baroque pearls because they are unique, and I find pearls with a strong luster to be attractive.

This is the package of pearls I shipped today. I always pack them like this, hoping to give my customers a sense of excitement when they open it. I’m not very skilled, but I try to make it enjoyable by including cute yarn or fabric from a kimono to make a tissue case. I pack it in a way that I myself would appreciate. By the way, my mother makes the tissue cases out of kimono fabric. She used one of the kimonos she received as a bride when she got married long ago. In the past, it was customary in Japan for brides to prepare several kimonos when they got married. Although my mother’s family was poor, they somehow managed to provide them. The kimonos were expensive, but she never got a chance to wear them. Like many women of that time, she spent her days serving her family like a maid in a hotel. She never had the opportunity to attend parties or wear kimonos. When my mother was cutting the fabric to make this tissue case, she said, “This kimono was so expensive.” I told her, “You can’t take it with you to heaven,” and she laughed and agreed. My mother has worked hard for her family like mothers all over the world. But now that her children have grown up and left the nest, she lives a peaceful life every day. Although it’s not always smooth sailing, she seems to be reasonably happy. I run this pearl shop by myself, but it makes me happy to be able to share unexpected things with my mother. The tissue cases she makes travel to various countries. My mother says, “Oh, the tissue cases went to that country? I’ve never been there before,” with a great expression on her face that I can’t put into words.
