21.2 inch, 6.5-7.0mm, akoya seawater necklace, natural color, not dyed, sv925 clip-type clasp, all-knot with blue thread, pearl from Japan

Akoya necklace
1 in stock
This is a 54cm Akoya pearl necklace.
Since it has a clip-type clasp, the length can be adjusted to any measurement up to 54 cm.
As is common with this store, the necklace is all-knotted with blue thread.
While typical pearl necklaces tend to have a somewhat formal impression, the all-knot design gives this piece a casual, slightly playful look.
However, as it is still made with Akoya pearls, it creates the impression of someone who works diligently and professionally during the week, but dresses casually on their day off.
I find it personally very appealing when people who are usually well put together dress casually.
On the other hand, for people who are always a bit sloppy, dressing casually doesn’t really make much of a difference.
Now, regarding the quality of the pearls, to be honest, they are not of the highest grade.
On a 5-point scale, I would rate their luster a 3. They don’t have a strong shine, but they’re not dull either.
The surface is not a perfect mirror finish, and many of the pearls have a slightly cloudy appearance.
Additionally, the color of the pearls is not perfectly uniform, with some having spots that look like blemishes or minor natural indentations (wounds).
When looking at each pearl individually, the overall assessment is average, but when viewed as a whole, the necklace gives off a gentle, elegant impression.
While the luster is not intense, it shines beautifully indoors.
In the past three months, two customers have purchased this same type of necklace, and both were very satisfied.
As a retailer, it is often expected to shower your products with praise.
However, I am not just a retailer. I have seen countless pearls over the years.
I’ve seen Japan’s top-quality pearls every year, and I know what kinds of pearls the world’s most renowned pearl companies prefer to purchase.
Because of this, I can’t say “this is the best” about just any pearl.
But from the buyer’s perspective, it’s possible they might think, “If the shop owner doesn’t say this is good, then I won’t buy it.”
That’s why a fair and objective explanation of the product is crucial.
Ultimately, seeing is believing.
At Flower Jem, we’ve prepared a video on YouTube for this necklace as well.
Not only can you check the quality of the pearls, but you can also watch the production process.
You might think, “It’s an hour long! I can’t watch that!”
I feel the same.
You don’t need to watch the whole thing—just take a look if you’re interested.
Long version(Over one hour)
Short version(less than one minute)
Before COVID-19, most Japanese pearl companies would say, “Buying pearls from a computer screen? That’s impossible!
You need to see the pearls in person, face-to-face!”
That was the norm.
However, norms are always changing.
Nowadays, many pearl companies are saying, “Yes, we can do business over the computer.”
That said, the experience of seeing pearls in person and through a screen is never a perfect match.
Both buyers and sellers feel some uncertainty.
We receive payment from our customers, send the pearls to them, and if the response is, “This isn’t what I expected,” both the customer and we would be in a tough situation.
To minimize such risks, I use YouTube.
I’m not trying to become a YouTuber to make money, and with pearls being such a niche market, that would be quite difficult anyway.
At any rate, please look at as many photos and videos as possible.
And don’t just listen to me—if there’s a pearl that interests you, reach out to the shop directly.
I hope you purchase pearls from a store that’s sincere, trustworthy, and with whom you feel a connection.
Pearls can bring joy for a long time.
If you’re happy with both the pearls and the shop, you will continue to find happiness with your pearls for years to come.
If you are smiling, those around you will also smile.
Of course, there will always be a few people who don’t, but that’s fine too.
And even before you find the product you want, there’s joy in the shopping experience itself.
I’ve heard that expert shoppers enjoy just the process and often end up buying nothing.
As for me, I might go to the store just to buy eggs, but I always end up with more in my cart.
With that being the case, it seems I still have a ways to go before I become a master shopper.
Until next time!
Flower Jem | Pearl Bless You
Website : https://flower-jem.com/
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